Book Reviews

Revelation: A Fresh Perspective by Larry Adams delves into the Book of Revelation, chapter by chapter, to give contextual overview, then offers readers details to connect the dots so to speak. Many want to understand the Book of Revelation, but are overwhelmed by the nature and content, to include the nature of the many symbolic details that don’t seem to make any sense.  

In this exciting book, Larry Adams has made it possible (notice I didn’t say easy) to understand the Book of Revelation. This is not a hard to understand book, but one that will take dedication and time to digest. The author has put forth an incredible study into this book of the Bible and reveals that it is really an exciting book that we all should put aside time to study. Here and now in our day and time, we may very well being seeing the pages of this book unfold before our very eyes – with that thought in mind - hold on tight, get comfortable and delve into a book that is worth the study and exploration.  

Additionally, the book offers a fresh perspective that will provide a better understanding of John’s revelation without a lot of theological dogma that most can’t understand. This book is one that doesn’t take a college degree to finish, nor understand, and comes highly recommended as either a personal study or for a small group study. 10.0 stars

Future Focus by Larry Adams a thought provoking book on how one views God and interprets scripture. Inspiring and encouraging, the author asks if you are seeking God first in your life. The book also speaks of our own assumptions, and assumptions that relate to God as well. By use of specific reading fundamentals that have been in use for centuries and rules of interpretation, the author is careful and diligent to interpret scripture, not adding any of his own assumptions or interpretations. The book challenges readers to examine their walk with God and to come into a place of maturity by going back to the basics. The basics are presented in his book and are taken from scripture. 

Presenting an overview of each subject, chapters are short and sweet and include scripture that instruct, inspire and encourage believers and non-believers alike to make God their focus and priority in life. The theme of the book is to put God first in all you do and toss out all assumptions that are just that...assumptions. Assumptions are what we live and accept from those around us and in our world. Assumptions are influenced by many different factors. The author encourages believers to read from the Bible and to take to heart the many warnings and teachings that the Bible has to offer. Although some of his writing may be considered confrontational or controversial, the author notes that Jesus was accused of much of the same from the religious of His day as well. 

 An overview of many pertinent topics are included that interest many. These chapters include titles such as: After God's Own Heart; Being in God's Presence; Burden Bearing; Curses; Disciple's Oath; Do You Really Mean It; Enforcing the "Santa Claus" principle; Evil and Suffering; Free; Give Thanks; Heavenly Minded to be Earthly Good; Herd Mentality; Knowing Jesus; Mommy's Dying from Cancer; Practicing Lawlessness; Reading Fundamentals- Context; Remain; Repent and Believe; Responsibility to Maturity and Obedience; The Cause of Christ; The Oldest Trick in the Book; Rapture Notes and Revelation. 

 All these chapters are very informative endeavors to shed light on subjects that are relevant to repentance, faith, obedience that reveal the truth of God's Word and point the reader to keep God as their main focus for the future. A highly recommend and short read that will give insight and assist readers to better understand the basics of scripture and reading fundamentals.10.0 stars

Did You Ever Realize…by Larry Adams is a collection of short articles giving insights to many golden nuggets from Scripture.  Based on various books of the Bible from Genesis to Revelation - connecting the dots, so to speak, the author sheds light to understanding the full meaning of certain teachings in the Bible regarding many pertinent life issues. 

Using an interpretive writing style, different topics that include instructional teachings from Adam to Saul, to the rebuilding of the Temple in Ezra, the author writes to give others a better understanding in a contextual format.  Some of the subjects discussed are sin, forgiveness, just punishment, waiting for the return of the Lord, coping with the death of a parent, to seeing a deeper love of God for the Saint and the sinner.  Encouraging and full of wisdom, these articles aid the believer in the building of faith and wisdom that will enrich their understanding of the Word.  Poignant, these writings offer much refreshment to the soul.     

Recommended for use as a personal devotional or traveling, this book is filled with short articles that are easy to read and understand.  They aid in helping one to focus on God and encourage a deeper intimacy with the Lord while giving a view on Scripture that is not taken out of context.  The author writes his book from years as a life long Bible student and presents much wisdom for today’s modern society, offering biblical principles and wisdom gathered from Scripture.  A very encouraging and insightful short read. 10.0 stars

 That Your Prayers May Not Be Hindered: A Discussion on the Husband’s Role in Marriage by Larry Adams brings to the table issues relating to the husband in marriage and family. While not all the issues are discussed, the author has written a short booklet (only 24 pages) that relates and explores Biblical principles, namely the role of a husband in marriage. With that said, this book is not only recommended for men, but women also as the author highlights that both men and women should understand their roles in marriage.  Addressing some of the misconceptions in marriage, this book is written to bring insight into these familiar issues within a format that is best used within a small group setting of several couples that have come together for the purpose of strengthening their marriages.

The author notes that within his county in Georgia where he lives, there is an 80% divorce rate, which is much higher than the normal average.  Motivated by that fact, the author (with over 45 years experience of reading and teaching Biblical principles) has developed this book – so that one – your prayers may not be hindered!  This is a wonderful read that takes a look into some of the foundational/relational issues of marriage, offering wisdom, insight and Biblical knowledge that can help a couple get back on track.  Highly recommended!

Out on a Limb by Larry Adams speaks on the issue of walking by faith.  Noting that the Scriptures say that the righteous shall walk by faith and not by sight, the author delves into the character and development of faith.  Within this, Adams gives practical Biblical concepts of faith coupled with God’s purposes for faith in an easy-to-read booklet.  Readers will be inspired by the sharing of the faith “answers” given in the Bible.  With ease and honesty, the author has gone straight to the issue: why walk by faith?  What does this accomplish in your life?  What does this look like in our everyday lives?  What is faith?  And is it possible to walk in faith as the Apostles did?  These questions and many more are answered from a Biblical perspective with an easy format that is designed for group discussion.

With Biblical examples of those who walked in faith and those who did not, the author presents a book that is useful and relevant to the times we live in.  Readers will find their faith increased and be given an opportunity to discover their faith walk with God as they learn to not rely on their own sight, but believe God for what He wants them to unveil in their own journey.  This is an amazing book that helps one walk in faith, at only 24 pages, this is a short read that will inspire and lead one to the transforming results that can be conquered through faith.  Highly recommended! 10.0 stars